Join the 1922 Club
The 1922 Club is a donor society that supports the
Centennial Celebration of B.U.S. through a new scholarship.
Your financial contribution of $1,922—or more—is a powerful way to
“pay it forward” so future generations can benefit from the
same educational experiences you had.
You may pledge over 2 years. If you are the age of 72+ please keep in mind that you are required to take annual Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from your retirement accounts.
In the spirit of embracing the futures of young minds while honoring our shared history, we hope you will assist in the creation of a new scholarship, The Birmingham University School Legacy Scholarship. Alumni aim to raise a minimum of $500,000 for this new endowed scholarship, which will remain in perpetuity at the school. Current tuition for the upper school is $25,000, and 38% of families receive scholarships and/or financial aid.
Help us mark the Centennial with your gift to the
B.U.S. Legacy Scholarship/1922 Club
Make check payable to: The Altamont School
***Please note on your check: B.U.S. Legacy Scholarship
Mail to:
The Altamont School
B.U.S. Centennial
P.O. Box 131429
Birmingham, AL 35213
Use a credit card by visiting: Make a Gift - The Altamont School
***Be sure to select: B.U.S. Legacy Scholarship/1922 Club
Contributions will be accepted and celebrated at the September 10 event.
Please connect with the Advancement Office if you are
interested in contributing gifts of stock or planned gifts (bequests).
Many of those who have walked these halls have been, and are today, descendants of our B.U.S alumni—
Billy Smyer 1949—Grandfather of Ingrid Smyer 2023
Craig Crockard 1960—Grandfather of Hearne Kelly 2027
Christopher Kelly 1967—Grandfather of Julie 2025 & Jojo Kelly 2022
Bruce Denson 1968—Grandfather of Parker Denson 2024
Lee McGriff 1969—Grandfather of Alden McGriff 2027