The Captain’s Centennial
Math Competition
“What made Captain Johnson so special was that he had a way of
communicating to his students the big picture of mathematics
so that they understood it at a very fundamental level.”
—Hobart McWhorter
1. Train B leaves P for Q, 240 miles away, one hour after Train A. In two hours, Train B reaches a point that Train A had passed 45 minutes earlier. B’s rate was then increased by 5 miles per hour, and the trains arrived at Q at the same time. Find the rate at which each train started.
2. What is the probability that there will be a majority of men on a committee of three, chosen by lot from 5 men and 3 women?
3. If 4 dimes and 3 nickels are placed at random in a straight line, what is the chance that the coins at both ends will both be nickels?
4. If all the 4-letter combinations possible are made from the alphabet (no letter used more than once in any combination), what is the chance that x is in any combination chosen at random?
5. In how many ways can 3 coins be given away if there are 6 possible recipients.
6. A gives B twice as much as C has. Then, B gives C one-third as much as A has. C then gives A one-half as much as A has. B then gives C $8 more than C has. B’s and C’s amounts are equal, and A has $36. How much did they have to begin with if A could have given C $12 and C’s amount would be equal to B’s?
DEADLINE: October 15, 2022
Open to all B.U.S., Brooke Hill, & Altamont Alumni
Open to current Altamont Students, Faculty, Staff, & Parents
Participants must provide the correct answer and the solution explanation
Participants may work alone or in teams
Solutions should be submitted by email to: 100years@altamontschool.org
Prizes for those entrants who submit all responses correctly
Captain Johnson was an exacting professor with the highest standards, and he prioritized personal best over competition. However, as is the case with most high-achieving students, competition was inevitable. In that spirit, problems to solve for The Captain’s Centennial Math Competition were pulled from one of the Captain’s notoriously difficult exams.